
Fresh fonts from Leipzig

Language, both spoken and written, is the most important means of communication for human beings. Fonts are used in print products as well as in the virtual world. Typerotation sells modern fonts in an online shop developed by robole, which takes into account the licensing of digital products such as fonts.

Typerotation is the font foundry founded in 2020 by the two designers from Zentrumwest.

Screenshot of the website
  • Screenshot of various fonts that are available for selection.
  • Screenshot of different letters
  • Screenshot of the products in the desktop view
  • Shop system with licensing

    The shop system on the basis of Sylius enables the licensing and provision of digital products (fonts) as well as physical orders of goods. For font licences, all necessary licence documents are generated fully automatically and sent to customers. 

  • Multifaceted presentation

    All font families and the technologies behind them, such as Open Type Features, are presented in a multi-faceted way. With the Type Tester developed by us, the fonts can be tried out and combined directly in the browser.

  • Multi-channel shop

    Sales are possible to both private (B2C) and business (B2B) customers at home and abroad. The fiscal/legal particularities are taken into account depending on the region.

Key points of our services

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