
Professional educational material for free download is aimed at people from socio-educational professions who do political education work with children and young people. The "Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten e.V." is responsible for the platform both conceptually and editorially. The idea was to offer a freely accessible platform that provides a collection of professional teaching materials for political education work for free download. We implemented the project together with the "Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten e. V." in an agile process in cooperation with Knick Design (Design) and Sascha Klatt (freelance development). plays a pioneering role in the field of political Open Educational Resources (OER). 

Screenshot of the project overview at
  • Screenshot of the topic overview at
  • Screenshot of the selectable keywords in the filter function
  • Screenshot of the upload functions
  • High performance and scalability

    The system architecture we developed is characterised by particularly high performance and scalability. In the frontend, we use the static site generator "Gatsby", which minimises the loading times of the web application.

  • Individual filter functions

    The freely accessible materials are divided into different licences. In addition, they are assigned to different thematic focuses (modules) and keywords, which enables a quick search by filter function. 

  • Easy to use backend

    The independent submission of professional educational materials by experts as well as the editing and approval by AdB staff members is done through an easy-to-use backend. For this purpose we use a comprehensible and intuitive user interface. 

  • Screenshot of the selection of a Creative Common license in the mobile version
  • Screenshot of an organization at in the mobile version
  • Screenshot of the shopping cart with different materials in the mobile version
  • Licensing

    Authors can choose between several Creative Commons licences for their submitted contributions. Political artists are presented on the platform with a profile and thus receive appropriate recognition for their work. 

  • Linked author profiles

    The profiles of the authors are linked to the educational materials and sorted into modules, chapters and topics. The backend of the content management system contains an easy-to-use tagging system with tags, keywords and categories. 

  • Shopping cart function

    The shopping cart function enables the bundled download of an individually compiled collection of material. The site is deliberately designed like an online shop to guarantee a fluid user experience. 

Key points of our services

  • Headless CMS based on Symfony and Sonata
  • Static site generation based on React and Gatsby
  • Digitalised processes in the area of licensing and authorship
  • Ongoing support and further development
  • Validation and documentation when editing materials

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