
Preservation of intangible cultural heritage

Founded in 1994, the Museum für Druckkunst in Leipzig-Plagwitz presents the cultural heritage of printing technology in all its facets. On four floors, visitors can experience 550 years of printing history. Around 90 functioning machines can be used by artists and interested visitors.

Conceived as a museum to preserve tradition, the Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig has developed into an active place of encounter. This transformation is also reflected in the website we developed.

  • Event calendar

    A special feature is the calendar of events specially tailored to the needs of the museum. Past exhibitions are presented in an archive. Current and future exhibitions are clearly presented and can be easily maintained by the staff via the Contao CMS.

  • Pretix booking tool

    By integrating Pretix, users can directly plan their visit to the museum and buy tickets. The system is also used to pre-sell tickets for events and exhibition openings.

  • Responsive web design

    The website convinces with its clear and responsive web design, which we implemented on behalf of and according to the template of zentrumwest. The images are automatically adapted to the respective device by the system.

  • Expotizer

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, we developed a way for the museum to make exhibitions a digital experience as well. The »Expotizers« create a multimedia and impressive experience also at home. They are a useful addition to offline visits.

  • Multilingualism

    The website's multilingualism also convinces international visitors. With one click, the website switches to English. Translations can be easily entered into the content management system by the museum staff.

  • Public relations

    In order to reach the different target groups adequately, the museum uses various social media channels. The corresponding links are easily accessible on the website. Current and past press releases as well as image material are linked on the press page and are available to interested parties for free download. Uploading the desired materials also works via the intuitive backend of the Contao content management system.

Key points of our services

  • Contao CMS
  • Event calendar
  • Pretix booking tool
  • Digital exhibitions
  • Multilingualism

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