
Promoting democratic participation

The Stadtjugendring Leipzig is an umbrella organisation for youth associations and clubs. It campaigns for the interests of young people and promotes political education, participation and the co-design of social processes. Since the 2021 general election, we have been working with the Stadtjugendring and designer Anna Herbell to develop information on all elections in Leipzig under the label ‘Leipzig wählt’ (Leipzig votes). The result is a target group-orientated and accessible website.

The screenshot of the leipzig-wä website shows the project logo, the date of the upcoming elections in Leipzig and a choice between local elections and European elections.
  • The screenshot of the homepage of the website leipzig-wä shows the logo and the title of the website, the date of the upcoming state election in Saxony and a short introductory text.
  • The screenshot of the leipzig-wä website shows a window in which a user can select their constituency directly by clicking on an area on the city map of Leipzig.
  • The screenshot of the leipzig-wä website shows a search field and options for selecting parties and a constituency. This allows the list of candidates to be filtered.
  • Every election in Leipzig

    The system can display one or more elections simultaneously. If there are several elections, the user can simply switch between them.

  • Target-orientated UX design

    If a user is not sure in which constituency he can cast his vote(s), the clickable electoral district map will help him.

  • Search and filter

    With so many candidates to choose from, it's easy to lose track. We offer suitable filter and search functions for every election.

  • The screenshot of the leipzig-wä website shows several expandable elements. The active element contains information in Easy Read on the question ‘Who can vote?’.
  • The screenshot of the leipzig-wä website shows a candidate's answers to the questions asked by the Stadtjugendring. Candidates can answer with yes, no, neutral or ‘no answer’ and optionally make a short statement.
  • The screenshot of the leipzig-wä website shows three entry points: A link list with all parties, a link to the overview of candidates and a link to general information about the election.
  • Easy Read

    The website also answers frequently asked questions in Easy Read. The texts are always supplemented by images to ensure good comprehensibility.

  • Youth policy in focus

    For each election, the SJR identifies topics that are important for the target group. The candidates have the opportunity to comment on these issues.

  • Straight to your destination

    Quick links and party directories help to find relevant information without detours.

Key points of our services

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