
Excellence in research

The funding measure »CLIENT II - International Partnerships for Sustainable Innovation« is part of the BMBF's FONA ("Research for Sustainability") strategy.

The main task of the project is application-oriented collaborative research projects in the fields of climate, environment, resources, energy and development with the aim of establishing and strengthening demand-oriented research cooperations with selected emerging and developing countries. In this context, an interactive map was to show all international partnerships for sustainable innovations. We implemented this for the BMBF using the Mapbox software.

Desktop view of the interactive map
  • Map with info box in the desktop view
  • Data visualisation in the desktop view
  • Events in the desktop view
  • Map design with Mapbox

    The heart of the website is the interactive world map, which shows all projects and actors. The map was created with the online map provider Mapbox. The interface offers filter options for a targeted search.

  • Drupal CMS as a basis

    Based on the open source CMS Drupal, we developed a multilingual and multi-layered presentation of the funding measure.

  • Dynamic content links

    International projects can be dynamically linked to dates, news, publications and other projects. The website thus serves as a platform on which each project can be comprehensively presented.

  • Screenshot of the mobile view
  • Screenshot of the mobile view
  • Screenshot of the login interface in the mobile view
  • Responsive design

    The UX design was realised by Knick Design and in collaboration with Sascha Klatt. The map automatically adapts to smaller screens without losing functionality.

  • Multilingualism

    The application is available in English and German. Translations can be entered quickly and easily by employees via the intuitive backend, even without prior technical knowledge.

  • Users and accesses

    The advanced user and rights management allows different people from different institutions and projects to add content to the website and map application. All changes go through an internal approval process before they are published.

Key points of our services

  • Drupal CMS
  • Mapbox interactive map
  • Multilingualism
  • Extended user and rights management
  • Responsive web design
  • Maintenance and support

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